Tuesday 27 November 2012

The last week in Tonalá

was a busy one. On Sunday Rosa had organized a meeting with a group of women who wanted to set up a cooperative to produce chicken feed from the head of prawns that could be provided by the shrimp cooperative at Puerto Morazán.
Kristin from the Peace Corps joined us, and afterwards we went to see the town representative of PLAN Nicaragua, Dolores, to see if PLAN might be able to provide the chairs, tables and latrines for 4 new pre-schools if BLINC provided the buildings. She said yes!
On Wednesday I woke to the sound of people in the back garden. In the night a coconut tree had shed its crop, and people had come around to buy them. One didn't get sold as it provided my breakfast sitting in the garden - a cup of coconut water then the coconut itself. Another one was for Rosa.
At 9 we were at the alcaldia for a meeting with the new Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Gioconda, BLINC's representative in Nicaragua to find out the scope of their 4 year plan, outline BLINC's plan for 4 new pre-school buildings, as well as raise the issue of  proper pay for the pre-school teachers.
Afterwards I went off in a motor taxi to visit one of those pre-schools, presently under a mango tree,
In the afternoon Rosa and Kristin ran a staff development session at El Arbolito, Mercedes' pre-school.
Thursday evening we went to Kristin's house for a vegetarian Thanksgiving.
On our last day we said goodbye to the school director in the morning and then finished the day wi th an informal meal - montones de fruta with the afternoon teachers who presented us with school T-shirts - so Rosa is now a Maestro!

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